
Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a contemplative practice where we intentionally target the connective tissues of the body to improve flexibility, range of motion and increase overall mobility. You can expect to passively hold postures anywhere from 3-5 minutes. This class is helpful for regulating the nervous system and promoting feelings of relaxation and calm.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga uses asana, pranayama and meditation to balance the solar and lunar energies within. ‘Ha’ meaning sun and ‘Tha’ meaning moon, this is a practice which pursues equanimity. This class includes a variety of asana infused with pranayama practice and complete with meditation. 

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga is a fluid asana practice, where we flow from posture to posture guided by the breath. In this class you can expect to synchronize your breath and movement, learning to move through asana with intention and presence. 


Restorative yoga is a slow, gentle practice designed for those who need support reducing stress and regulating their nervous system. This practice utilizes a variety of props like bolsters, blankets and blocks and includes five to eight poses held between five and eight minutes. This is a beneficial practice for improving injuries and ailments, as well recovering from stress/burnout.


Kids Yoga uses creativity and imagination to explore asana by teaching fundamental ‘animal’ postures with focus on developing bodily awareness. Using creative games and partner poses, we support children in learning the basics of yoga and mindfulness practice.

Private Group Yoga
 150$ hour session 

Private Yoga 1-1
 90$ 1 hour session

What is Yoga?

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The word yoga means ‘to yoke’, sometimes translated as ‘to unite’, and is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj. An ancient and complex practice from India, yoga is a collection of mental, physical and spiritual practices that promote self reflection and inward exploration. The intention of yoga is to harness and still the mind, thus liberating ourselves from the bondage of suffering (dukha). 
Defined as the path of self knowledge, Yoga is a five thousand year old science which offers tools for nervous system regulation and healthful living. The Yoga Sutras outline ethics for conducting ourselves on and off the mat, such as living in the spirit of compassion (ahimsa) and truth (satya), living a life of cleanliness (sauca), as well as practicing non-stealing (asteya), non-hoarding (aparigraha) and surrender (isvara-pranidhana). 
A combination of physical postures (asana), breathwork (pranayama), meditation (dhyana) are what we typically experience in a modern yoga studio or class setting. 

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What are the benefits of Yoga?

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My classes are designed to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, thus reducing stress hormones in the body, slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. During class we intentionally practice sensory withdrawal (pratyahara), which means minimizing sensory input and focusing our attention inwardly. This can strengthen our connection to intuition and promote feelings of empowerment. 

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Science has proven yoga can;
-Support immune function
-Help manage stress
-Increase energy
-Benefit heart health
-Help ailments 
-Improve strength, flexibility and balance 

What if I am not flexible or have an injury?

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Regardless of your flexibility or experience, my classes are an inclusive space for all levels and abilities. I will guide every class with your best interests at heart, and offer modifications for injuries and other physical conditions. If you have an injury or concern, please reach out to me prior to class so I can ensure you are practicing safely. 
Remember yoga is not only about physical postures (asana) - asana is only one of eight limbs in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The path of yoga is not about accomplishing the most advanced postures, or pushing our bodies to extremes. Rather, we are learning to approach ourselves with greater compassion, instead of through the lens of comparison. Yoga is about pursuing truth and self-knowledge, with the ultimate goal of union as our motive. Therefore, regardless of your flexibility or experience, there is always a space for you in class! 

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